This blog post is a little over due. I have not been able to post about it for some time now, due to every time I start, I cried.
January 2010 we had to say goodbye to Bingo. Bingo had been the most wonderful, loyal and loving dog a family could ever have.
Curt brought Bingo home one day after we had suffered a miscarriage. He knew I needed something to love, to be my baby...I needed someone or something to need me like I needed it. He had been working at the Local Animal Shelter inspecting the Fire Alarms. He always hated to do it because all the animals pulled at his heart strings. This day he was inspecting and came across the skinny ball of hair that had a tag on its cage. He knew what it mean-this little ball of hair was due to be euthanized the next day. He found out that she was a puppy of approx. 5 months and that she had been abandoned out at Lake Lowell and left to die. No one had claimed her and her time was up. He looked at that little fur ball and brought it home to me.
Now, at first I tell ya...I love animals, but I had always been more of a cat person. Considering we lived in a trailer park with a small 2 bedrooms, I did not see where this little furry thing was going to fit into my life. I pet her, she licked me and I was done for.
I worked at a school doing OT/Pt and began having the dog come visit me on Curt's days off. The kids fell in love with her and helped us name her B.I.N.G.O. after the song. It stuck.
Bingo was our first 'child', our first 'adoption' and she lived thru 4 kids, many cats and birds; camping trips and road trips to Wyoming, Montana, and Washington. She LOVED car rides, car washes and taking showers with us.
In the end, Bingo was our baby for 18 years. She gave loyally and loved us and the kids tremendously. Over time she became blind (at about 7 years of age) and then deafness took over. In the end, she had given all she could give. We thanked her by saying goodbye and burying her near the house she spent so many years in, where my granny and papa live now. A wooden cross marks her spot along with a deep love from 'her kids' and 'her mom and dad'.