Saturday, May 29, 2010

Mitch Graduation

Well, as life has it's chapters, we closed the book on one of them this week. Mitch Graduated from Kindergarten! She struggled this year with being separated from mommy, structure in the classroom, sharing time with MANY other kids. She worked hard on language and to learn her letters, numbers, sounds and word recognition. There were times I doubted First grade would follow and that another year of Kindergarten would be required.....she proved me wrong.
With the help of her faithful Teachers, Ms. Wilkins (Regular Kdg), Mrs. Martinez (Extended Kdg) and Mrs. Mittleider (Reading Coach) she DID IT! Mitch went from a 1 on the IRI (Idaho Reading Indicator) to a 3...THAT ladies and gentleman is grade level words! We worked so hard with her at home, reading, quizzing her on sight words and sounding things out. C-Man and Roo would give her timed tests on letter sounds many times and encouraged her all the while...AMAZING!

Here are some pic's from the wonderful night!

Man, are they EVER gonna call me?

They Said My Name!

It's Official!

Thumbs Up to An Awesome Year

Mitch & Ms. Wilkins

The Hawk Has Landed

C-Man has begged for a mohawk all year long. FINALLY he was able to have one. I have convinced Daddy that it would be ok, so we decided to let him give it a shot.
Daddy cut it himself, and let him have it the last 2 days of school as well as the summer. I must say, we think he is adorable in it!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Two May Birthdays!!

May is the month of 2 Birthdays in our family!

May 3rd, BooBoo turned....13......EEEEKKKKKK

May 16th, Mitch turned 6...and lost her first tooth

Chillin together on the couch

BooBoo, too cool for just about anything!

Mitch LOVES to smile!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Happy Mother's Day To ALL the Mother's

I say Happy Mother's Day to ALL of the mommies out there.

In our lives there are many moms...we have me, Mom's whose tummies we grew in (Often called Haiti moms) and the fact that I have a mom as well...the younger kids are all amazed that I didn't just appear on earth as a mother...strange concept I know.

Mothers Day is very mixed for me. Every mothers Day I not only pause to think about my own mother, but also about the mothers who allowed me to be a mom. Without hard decisions or their passing to the next life, I would NOT have been able to be the mother I am today. As we celebrate, I often cry (quietly and hidden) thinking about the ones in Haiti and that we should also honor them. So,