Thursday, January 18, 2007

Whose Activity Are We Going To Now???

Our lives are about to get busier....not that we get to lay around a lot with 4 kids, but soon we will have 3 in activities to go to....Saturday will be Demi Roo's cheerleading at 10am and Hunter has his first Basketball game at 1 pm. He is very excited to PLAY in an ACTUAL game!!! ;-)
I will post some pic's from the game afterwards so you can all see the superstar in action.hehe
Hunter has practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8pm. Games are every Saturday until the season ends. Demi Roo practices every Saturday from 10-11am....forever, since there isn't a cheerleading season with the city. Wednesdays are AWANA's from 6:15-8:15pm. Somewhere in there we fit eating, homework, reading and bathing....I am getting tired just talking about it. We try to reserve Monday and Fridays as nights to just least for now. ;-P
Starting in late March, Kai will do his first activity...SOCCER! In Haiti they refer to it as Haiti, football is BIG! I notice that in the US soccer isn't the fantastic sport that other countries believe it is...Kai will change all of that. I have watched that kid with a ball, a can, anything he can kick...he has some serious moves!! He is so excited to start he asks me EVERYDAY if it is time for soccer games...I remind him no, not for a couple of more months, and dread the fact that I even told him I was signing him up...stupid mom moment #156.... hehehe

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