Curt and I met when I was about 14.5 years old and he was 16. We had a friend in common, he went to school with her and ran track and cross country with her. One night while staying the night at her house, we decided to go to her school dance...our ride, was Curt and his friend Corey.
I have to say, that first night I was both in love and hated him at the same time. I thought he was cute, and enjoyed the attention and danced most of the night with him... However, he made a reference to my looks (calling me the 'ugly one') and I decided that he was no longer cute, but quite an ass ;-)
About 2 days later, he began calling my house to chat. I was excited, but brought up the ugly comment again, to which he apologized (this is a running joke in our marriage to this day...he said he only told me that because he was a naughty 16 year old boy who wanted to touch my chest and I would not let him...hehe) Being only 14.5 years old, I was not allowed to date. Curt began coming over to the house to spend time with me any way he could, usually helping me with my homework, watching movies etc....it sucked being that young and having a boyfriend you wanted to date, but I know now as an adult that it was for the best my parents stood their ground on the dating situation.
Curt and I 'went out' until we had our first date...a week before my 16th Birthday my high school held a Christmas Dance, we were able to attend ALONE for our first date!
We dated all thru high school, Curt graduating when I was a Sophomore, and moving out to join the working world. I finished high school two years later and moved in with him about a month after I graduated; we were married almost 1 year later at the ripe old ages of 19 and 20.
Here it is almost 24 years of being together and 20 years of marriage later (April 20th, 2011 to be exact) and we have been thru ups and downs together. We have been pregnant 4 times and lost 4 babies...we have watched friends marry, divorce and pass on. We have moved from rental to rental to rental and then on to our own home. We have adopted 4 of the most wonderful kids a family could ask for and been with each other thru all of it...thick and thin.
To all the skeptics who figure if you marry early, live with each other before marriage and the like, we say Thank You..for thinking we could not do it, nor would not make it...for you have given us the chance to stick out our tongues and say PPPbbbttt! ;-)
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