Our camping trip was so fun. We spent the first night getting camp set up and visiting with Curt's family and roasting marshmellow's. The first night we had some rain and wind. The tent held up fine, however my allergies did not. My eyes were swollen and my sinuses a mess for the rest of the trip, but it was fun none the less.
We spent the 2nd. day at the beach. I LOVE THE BEACH at Red Fish Lake. The kids swim and play and I sit part time in the sun and most of the time in the shade ( I burn horribly..I know there is Irish in me somewhere!!)
Demi Roo got to ride Chase's jet ski since Uncle Jared left to buy a new truck..THANK YOU CHASE! ;-)
Hunter finally got up courage on the last day to try and ride a jet ski. Kevin, a family friend, taught Hunter how to drive..THANK YOU KEVIN! ;-)
Demi Roo had fun riding with them, but feels that Hunter drives to slow. Demi is kind of a balls to the wall, pedal to the metal type of gal.....she goes mach 5, hair on fire and enjoys hitting the wakes. Hunter rather go slow and look at the fish underneath them.
Every night we had deer in our camp. One day I was sitting realxing as Curt and the kids went to get me eye drops at the local market. Heather, Curt's sister, told me to look behind me. Low and behold there was a deer eating not 5 feet from me. He was beautiful. I looked at him for a while catching a close glimpse of one of God's creatures and then I began to think of TV's 'when animals attack' and my possible stint on the show with a wild creature so close. He left me alone and I got to watch him and hear him chew while everyone else took photos. Curt and the kids got back in time to see him and get a few photos for us as well.
It was beautiful until the night of the 4th. A huge storm came through and we could stay no longer. Our clothes were damp and it was getting cold. We took advantage of a break in the rain to pack up our stuff. The kids went to the 4th fireworks with their grandpa and grandma K. and Uncle Kevin and Aunt Heather. We met up afterwards and headed home....finally arriving home at 2:30am tired, damp but glad to be there. A nice bed was well worth the drive.
I will post pic's soon!